
استشارات ضريبية دولية

ضرائب الخدمات المالية

Mark L. Farber, CPA PC’s Financial Services practice has extensive experience providing tax and consulting services with a focus on investment partnerships, broker dealers, and international banks.

My clients range in size from start-ups to g lobal financial institutions that require analysis of global tax strategies utilizing bank debt, securitization, commodities, derivatives and alternative investments including domestic and offshore transactions. Across these segments.

Mark L. Farber brings an in-depth understanding of the complexities of your industry and the implications for your business.  We provide proactive guidance on existing and future accounting and tax regulations as well as other resources that provide value-added service to our clients.  We provide our clients the peace of mind knowing their tax returns are prepared properly prepared.

Due to current global crisis, numerous companies are now faced with significant realized and unrealized losses.  With our assistance, we can support banks, hedge funds, private equity groups and real estate groups to determine the steps to obtain a cash or financial statement benefit for such losses that were otherwise underutilized. 

The financial crisis has also called into question management’s prior tax strategies and we can help to better anticipate the effect of the volatility of earnings, foreign currency swings and other tax implications on their ultimate tax liability.

International Taxation

 The interaction between US and foreign tax regimes often provides opportunities for foreign-based MNCs to reduce taxes on a worldwide basis, often resulting in permanent cash savings. Our inbound US tax planning services group is a team of experienced tax professionals who focus on cross-border tax planning to help foreign-based MNC's efficiently align their commercial and tax objectives.

A variety of strategies have been identified, developed, implemented, and documented to help foreign MNCs meet their business needs while maintaining a competitive effective tax rate. In the current challenging economic environment, these strategies may include repatriating cash or redeploying funds to required areas in a tax efficient manner, minimizing tax costs on investment exit, in addtion to establishing a tax effective structure.

Our approach is designed to ensure tax opportunities are maximized and adverse tax outcomes are identified and managed efficiently. These strategies are aimed at ensuring the US business of a foreign MNC plays its part in implementing a globally effective and integrated approach to tax planning for the group. These strategies are carefully designed to ensure that desired tax outcomes are integrated seamlessly into business objectives and operations.

القرار الضريبي

يمكن أن يؤدي فحص أو تدقيق الضرائب المحلية أو الخاصة بالولاية أو مصلحة الضرائب الأمريكية إلى تعطيل عمليات عملك ، وإذا لم يتم التعامل معها بشكل صحيح والتحكم فيها ، فيمكن أن تؤثر بشكل جوهري على العمليات التجارية وخطتك النهائية.

يمكن أن يواجه دافع الضرائب المتورط في جدل ضريبي دولي تحديات وفرص خاصة ، مثل القضايا المتعلقة بالمستندات الأجنبية ، والاستدعاء الدولي وسلطة التحصيل التابعة لمصلحة الضرائب الأمريكية ، واستدعاء إجراءات الإعفاء الخاصة بالسلطة المختصة.

معرفتنا الواسعة بعملية الخلاف الضريبي وعلاقاتنا المتفوقة مع مصلحة الضرائب وسلطات الضرائب الأخرى. اتصل بنا للحصول على المساعدة.

Tax Recovery and Support

We understand the challenges and obstacles financially challenged companies face in these trying times and with our experience in these situations I can help them through these demanding periods.  Our experience includes working with major companies and financial institutions over the past twenty-five years to assist in any phase of the tax process including tax compliance, tax research, practice and procedure issues and migration issues as they pertain to emergency situations at these organizations. 

نحن نعمل مع مجموعة مختارة من العملاء لتقديم خدمة مركزة.

يجلب لك مارك إل فاربر فهمًا عميقًا لتعقيدات مجال عملك والآثار المترتبة على عملك. توفر ممارسة Mark L. Farber CPA PC إرشادات استباقية حول لوائح المحاسبة والضرائب الحالية والمستقبلية بالإضافة إلى الموارد الأخرى التي توفر خدمة ذات قيمة مضافة لعملائنا. نحن ملتزمون بتقديم الحل الصحيح مع خبرة الصناعة ذات الصلة لمساعدتك على البقاء في صدارة العديد من المشكلات والتحديات التي تواجهها في صناعة تنافسية للغاية.

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